Hey everyone. Welcome to my joiners!
Quick update. This coming Monday 6th session
will not go ahead as it is bank holiday, many voted to miss
it anyhow, and I'm able to take it. The good news is that
my good friend Adam can take the session on May 20th,
so he'll do something fun with you guys for that!
So, no session this coming Monday, back in the following week with me, then the
week after with Adam.
Please reply to this email to confirm availabilty and happiness to pay between £5-£10
for the 21st September St.Albans cathedral concert. More details to follow, but you'll need to
be free from the about 4-5pm to the evening.
I just received an email from ATS confirming the Christmas concert for this year.
Thursday 5th December. Please mark your calendar. We'll be doing a couple songs with the
youth choir as well this, whilst reducing the verse count and number of carols.
FYI, 27th May the church is not available, so we will be in the Batford Memorial Hall for this session.
I'll remind you of this closer to the time, but please get this in the diary as well.
I'll send a message next week with our plans for the following Monday. It'll be finishing off our current pieces,
and then starting on an exciting new one!