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Marple/ Wilmslow and Hale... Week Beginning 20th March

Hi everyone,

Thanks for such a great week last week!! These songs are coming together so fast! Faster than ever before to be honest. I hope the new vocal tracks are helping?

Wilmslow, I will record our session this week.


I am looking for people who would like to speak on camera for my little video to help our future tasters.

This can be for 5 seconds “Magic Voices is great” lots of fun, etc, or it could be that you have a real story to share.

Some examples might be…

Why you joined us.

A certain concert or memory really stands out for you.

May be our choir has changed your life in a more significant way?

How did you hear about us?

What is it like in the rehearsal room?

What happens if you go wrong

Do you need to be able to read music?

Friendships made since joining?

What is your choir leader like?

Now… I will say, this doesn’t need to be polished in ANY way what so ever! In fact, quite the opposite is way better! It isn’t something I would want you to have to rehearse for. The more conversational the better.

I can obviously speak on our video about Magic Voices until the cows come home haha, but your words carry so much more weight than mine because without you, Magic Voices just wouldn’t exist.

If I can find an easier way for our future members to step out of their front door and come and see for themselves what a great opportunity they have with us, this can make a massive difference to our membership and the longevity of our choir. I really believe that more people would do this if they could see the benefits. I think our little video can show them that.

Ideally, for our little on camera chat, I really would like all ages and both men and ladies to take part in this. The bigger the age range, the better as this all how’s that we don’t have any restrictions…And it will literally be you and I having a conversation. You can say what ever you like and I can edit when we are done.

If you can help me, please would you either respond to Facebook or send me a quick email?

Thanks everyone!

Songs for this week:

Go The Distance Somewhere Only We Know

For a sing Song: Billy Joel Medley Little Help From My Friends I Can See Clearly

See you soon! Mike


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