There will be no session this week! I am sorry, I have completely forgot that I have a wedding on this day.
We will be rehearsing on the 1st and 8th of August and j promise I will make it up to you all. Please feel free to attend any of the other sessions!
Marple. We are rehearsing this coming Monday 24th but not on the 31st. My children have arranged a surprise birthday for me and I hope you will understand. I will make up the session on the 7th August. Please attend any of the other sessions although I appreciate it is out of your way.
Hale: rehearsals as normal. We have 2 sessions left before our summer break. 28th July and then the 4th August.
All choirs: As always please bring everything! I’d like to get through Evita and have a look at Les Mis if possible!
Seasons of Love (Small Group) sessions will be on this week. Marple 7pm. Wilmslow 7pm. Hale 9pm.
Looking forward to seeing you this week!