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Hi Chorleyans

I hope, if you've been on half term break this week, it's been a relaxing time for you.

As a choir, we now have to start thinking about Christmas - it's all around us at the moment, despite me typing this with fireworks going off!

But it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and your 2 performances are earlier than those of my other choirs, so we have to start rehearsing earlier I'm afraid! I'm sure a lot of the old stuff will come back to you easily, so we need to learn some new ones in the 4 sessions before your "weekend extravaganza" of concerts (EUXTON LIBRARY ON DEC 3RD AND CROSTON CHURCH ON DEC 4TH!)

Programme on Thursday therefore looks like this:

THIS IS WHY WE SING - light relief from Christmas, and we only have a couple of bars to learn

WALKING IN THE AIR - we learned this online but I will teach it from scratch - only print up to bar 54 please as we won't be learning the Carol of the bells section

FAIRYTALE OF NEW YORK - brand new for everyone, we will start learning this at bar 26, skipping all the diddly dum section!

WINTER WONDERLAND - an old favourite to finish with.

I have shelved WEST SIDE STORY for the moment, but we will be returning to finish it after your Christmas concerts are over.

See you on Thursday

Andrew x


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