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Hi Chorleyans

Great night tonight everyone. thanks so much for being your usual optimistic selves and singing through the disappointment of the last few days; WE WILL BE DOING THIS CONCERT BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!!!

In the meantime, we have our lovely Croston Christmas concert on Sunday to look forward to, and all your Christmas songs are sounding terrific.

Next Thursday's programme (watch this space for venue details - we don't know them yet!) will still be "Christmas based" but also include new stuff too:


LION KING MEDLEY - brand new for all of us, and you will love it!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS DAY - this is Andy Rumble's brand new song. Obviously we didn't get the chance to learn it for our own Christmas concert but I thought it would stand us in good stead for next year!!!

RENT MEDLEY - I thought it would be fun to sing the whole of this. the first part is made up of "Tango Maureen" and the second half , you know (Seasons of Love)

See some of you at Croston on Sunday (1.45 please) and the rest of you you next Thursday.

Andrew x


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