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Congleton Programme - Thursday 28th April 2022

Hi Lovely people. I hope you had a great weekend. We certainly did. On Saturday, Laura and I had the honour of becoming Godparents to the son of our close friends. It was a lovely day.

I have some news for you regarding dates. A member of Cheadle has kindly sorted a performance date for us in July at Ladybridge club, Cheadle. The date is the 9th July leaving us a good length of time to get our songs sorted. The choirs will be joining together for this as our summer concert.

I now have the tricky business of deciding which songs to do for this concert and bringing them up to performance standard.

SO...The first list of songs are what we will be doing at the Poynton concert on 12th June so let's go over Les Mis in detail this week AND include the other songs.

Also a couple of the more recently learned songs to keep them ticking along!

Les Mis medley - revising in detail!

Bring Him Home - revising in detail

Lion King Medley

Let The River Run


Mister Blue Sky



To clarify - these are the dates for your diary:

7:30pm 12th June - Joint concert with Poynton Concert Band - Poynton Civic Hall.

Lunchtime 3rd July - Gatley Festival TBC (this isn't written in stone that we'll do it. Will gauge if choir members want to do it)

7:30 pm 9th July.

Cheadle and Congleton Magic Voices Summer

Ladybridge Residents Club, Cheadle (we'll do the next concert in Congleton for sure)

See you on Thursday everyone. Ged.


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