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Harpenden 27th May

Hey everyone.I hope you thoroughly enjoed Adam's session last night. Isn't he fab?I hear we made some good progress on the harmony bits and then started onsomething new!For next week, we are in Batford Memorial Hall, 16 Tallents Cres, Harpenden AL5 5BS.Please make a note in your diary for next week!We have a new opportunity for a small Christmas concert.It would be on the 4th December starting at  12:30pm in a church in Hemel Hemspstead. Only 30-40 mins long, and we would just use a small version of the songs we're going to be doingfor the big concert on the following day. As before, we don't need lots of people for this, just so longas we get a good balance across the voices.Please fill in the poll on the Whatsapp or reply to this email to confirm whether you can do it or not!I think it would be fantastic. A small warm up gig to get us ready for the big one!For next week, we're going to take a break from plowing through songs to do a bit of technique work.We're going to focus on projection, breathing, forging strong harmonies and pitching into our harmonies.We'll kick off with a sing along of the Les Mis medley. We'll go from the beginning up to bar 83 'Comes!'.Worth printing it all anyhow as I want to work on it in June!Then we'll do some technique work which we'll directly apply to Phantom to finish that off. That should be plenty!See you all soon.Best



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