Hey everyone.
Thanks so much for a fab term and a really lovely final session last week.
Was really nice to catch up with some of our members in the pub afterwards.
Definitely looking forward to doing that in September!
Just a reminder that we have no session this coming Monday, or at all in August.
We'll come back refreshed on Sept 2nd and ready to push toward our September concert
in St.Albans. Speaking of, I'm finalising our set list now. Can get one final push for as many members
to come along as possible. It'll be great fun and a nice afternoon sing.
The more we get, the better we sound and the less it costs!
Please reply to this email or fill in the poll that I'm sending out today to let me know if you are going
to make it!
It'll also affect the songs I pop into the set list!
As soon as that's sorted, I'll send out the set list for us to refresh over August.