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Loughborough Program Tuesday 20th February

Good evening Loughborough Magic Voices!!

What an awesome first couple of sessions we’ve had, you made an incredible sound!

I hope you went away feeling great about it, because you certainly sounded great!

Exciting times ahead!

We’re going to add another song next week, and that’s going to be ‘With a little help from my friends’, which you will find in the members area on the website.

A reminder folks, that you will need to print out your own music to bring to the session to put in your folders. I will bring folders along for those of you who have only just joined. I will bring some spare music that will be available at £1 each - Please do let me know if you need a copy by replying to this email.

There may well be a few more ‘tasters’ this week… the more singers we have in the room, the stronger the choir and the better and more confident we’ll sound, so please help me to make new folks feel welcome 🙂

Any questions, just drop me an email.

See you on Tuesday folks,



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